

Sue Waterhouse

Associate Principal Sandra Long

Associate Principal Kris Fenn

Manager Corporate Services Tracey Bell

School Officer Alison Humble

School Officer Shevonne Hill




Term One Wednesday 31 January - Thursday 28 March

Term Two Monday 15 April - Friday 28 June

Term Three Monday 15 July - Friday 20 September

Term Four Wednesday 7 October - Thursday 12 December


PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 2024 (During School Term)

Labour Day Monday 4 March

Anzac Day Thursday 25th April

West Aust. Day Monday 3 June


PD DAYS 2024
Term 2    Friday 31 May

Term 4    Monday 7 October, Tuesday 8 October



Children are welcome from 8.00am. Staff supervision commences at this time in the undercover area and quadrangle.

First Bell 8.20am

Lessons Commence 8.30am

Lunch Play 10.55-11.20am

Eat Lunch 11.20 -11.35am

Afternoon Recess 1.25 - 1.45pm

Close of day 2.40pm



8.00am - 3.30pm



We will notify parents/carers of an injury to a student as required. In the case of a serious injury, and inability to contact the parent or carer, the Principal may arrange for a child to be treated by a medical professional which may include an ambulance being called. It is very important for the school to have your current contact details.



There are many and varied medical conditions that require specific handling, such as asthma, allergies, or epilepsy. Children with special health needs who require specific attention will require a health management plan. Forms are available which your doctor completes. This completed medical advice is used by school staff to create a health management plan in consultation with you.



Staff are not permitted to administer medication without authorisation from parents or carers of the doctor. A form is available from the front office.



Illness can spread very quickly through a school and all members of our school community are asked to keep sick children at home. If a child is found to be ill at school, parents will be contacted to take them home.



An explanation is required for all student absences. Parents/Carers can explain an absence directly to the teacher, ring the school or send a note. Merriwa PS uses SMS messaging and you will receive a text message if your child is not at school. Attendance checks are done regularly and standard letters are sent home for unexplained absences. Please note that the Department of Education requires prior permission from the Principal to take vacations during school time.



School assemblies are conducted on a fortnightly basis on Friday in the undercover area commencing at 8.30am.



Children can order lunch via the online canteen system. (www.QuickCliq.com.au). Click here to access the menu.



Parents and Carers are not permitted to use the staff car park or drive into the school grounds. The beginning and end of the school day is a very busy time and we ask that all drivers show care and consideration to avoid the risk of a child being injured. There is parking for Acrod Holders in the front and rear carpark. Students are not permitted to ride scooters or bicycles in the school grounds.



School Factions are Akita, Baltimore, Palermo, and Calabar. Children are allocated a faction upon enrolment and siblings are placed in the same faction.



The school has a ‘NO HAT NO PLAY’ policy at all times. Hats are available from Lowes Clothing Store at Ocean Keys Shopping Centre.



When details such as address, telephone numbers, emergency contacts, custody arrangements or health issues change, please contact the front office to ensure our database is amended and your records are up to date.



Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds without permission. Parents and Carers wishing to take their children from the school early must obtain an Exit Pass from the front office and present this to the class teacher.



Children can play in the designated areas from 10.55am to 11.20am. Then will remain seated and eat lunch under the supervision of their duty teacher from 11.20am to 11.35am.



All mobile phones and electronic devices need to be given to the teacher for safe keeping during the day.



Money for camp, excursions and school activities is to be paid to the child’s classroom teacher before school each morning. Printed money envelopes will be sent home with permission slips. Please ensure the correct amount is enclosed as no change can be given. You can also pay online.



The School Psychologist visits the school to assist in the development of skills and programs to support student learning. Parents must sign referrals with full consent before their child is seen by the school psychologist.



Parents will receive information on their child’s progress at parent interviews in term 1 and through a formal report at the end of each Semester. We also invite you to a Learning Journey open night in term 3.



Children are encouraged to wear the school uniform and show pride in our school. Uniforms must be worn on all school excursions, and are available from Lowes clothing store which is situated in the Ocean Keys Shopping Centre. All students must wear appropriate footwear and a school hat. Thongs are not appropriate for school because of safety issues when participating in physical education lessons and sport.



It is essential that all visitors to school sign in at the office to receive a visitors badge. Any person not wearing a visitors badge will be asked to report to the office.


Keeping Ourselves Safe—COVID –19 Update for 2021


I thank you for your partnership and support as we navigate this new normal together. As always, the health and safety of your children, your families and our staff has been at the centre of all we do.

  • In accordance with instructions we have received from the Department of Education Western Australia,
    parents can come onto the school grounds for drop off and pick up.
  • However, the increase in independence and resilience in your children is not something that we want to lose.
  • Therefore, we offer you the same service at the gates. You are welcome to drop off and pick up your children at the gates. Our staff will ensure that they are looked after.






Kindy & Pre Primary met by staff at the oval gates.

8.00 a.m.


8.40 a.m.

Parents drop off lunches and forgotten items at oval gates.

10.30 a.m.

10.40 a.m.

Kindy & Pre Primary brought by staff to the oval gates.

2.30 p.m.

3.00 p.m.

All other students can enter and exit through any gate.




  • The gates will continue to be locked throughout the day, and if you need to organise a meeting with your child’s teacher, just call the front office or send your child’s teacher a note to organise this.
  • If you choose to bring your child onto the school grounds, we request that you wait at the flagpole area with
    your child between 8.00 a.m. and   8.20 a. m.